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Poems, poems for a good mood | page 14

Básničky, básně

POEMS for you and your loved ones


icon 27.09.2018 icon 0x icon 1473x
I'm lying here alone thinking about you,
I'm lying here alone pretending not to feel,
pretending not to see all this darkness around me.
I hear my heart break when I remember your smile.
That smile is shinning in my dreams.

My heart is shattered, my b...
icon 26.09.2018 icon 0x icon 1204x
You'll never know how much I want you,
You'll never know how much I need you,
You'll never knot how much it hurts to see you in his arms.

Why I pretend no to see
all these texts you send to me.
Why I decline all your invites
when I used to see yo...
icon 08.09.2018 icon 0x icon 847x
I'm so f*cked up
and I have nowhere to flee.
Deny your will
and then you will be free.
Then you're just a flop
no future
no being.
icon 03.09.2018 icon 0x icon 1292x
I'm your best friend who loves you,
I would be dead if I lost you.
He proved me how much he cares,
he's the one that you deserved.

He makes you happy that I see,
You're like a child under a Christmas tree.
He gave you flowers that I choose,
I kn...
icon 24.07.2018 icon 0x icon 1348x
Fuck is easy fuck is funny many people fuck for money.If you want a little brother go to bed and fuck your mother
icon 10.05.2018 icon 0x icon 1367x
Every time you enter
I can't breathe
Every time you enter
My heart beats faster
Every time you enter
I can't speak

Every time I see you
I can't breathe
Every time I see you
My heart beats faster
Every time I see you
I can't speak
icon 04.03.2018 icon 2x icon 1462x
Tyger Tyger, burning bright,
In the forests of the night;
What immortal hand or eye,
Could frame thy fearful symmetry?

In what distant deeps or skies.
Burnt the fire of thine eyes?
On what wings dare he aspire?
What the hand, dare seize t...
icon 26.11.2017 icon 6x icon 1810x
Once upon a time,
there was a boy i really liked.
He was by my side everytime,
and I didn't want to ruin the bond between us.

Can you hear the bird singing our song?
I can't hold my breath anymore.
I have to say the all heavy things inside my heart...
icon 16.11.2017 icon 0x icon 1503x
What's in a kiss? Love test don't remiss?

How he trailed her down her waist

the heat exploded eternal cave.

Oceanic abyss she has the perfect waves.

Love poem developing heart weight.

Titanic heavy gold freight.

His kiss ...
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