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Say Goodbye
icon 08.08.2012 icon 6x icon 2234x
Time. Time sings to me words so coldly spoken. It attempts to capture a weary heart- one that's beat and broken.

Pain. Pain is weakness but great strength for the dark. And in the night it seeks the wounded, to leave it's wrecked mark.

Love. Love is just a ferocious hoax in this game we play. A road block thrown inside the heart to make you lose your way.

Light. Light is just a color unseen by all who's lost. And those who finally get it, lose it quickly as it moves away from every life it's crossed.

Dreams. Dreams are just a fantasy of hopes logged inside your a head. Their memories of what could have been shown only in your bed.

Words. Words are just so useless when it comes to losing you. And every word I ever speak is really meant times two.

I. I am this way for a reason- hiding where your blind. But this is an action I've learned and I pay it to you in kind.

You. You are something special and from this you must be free. And fly away to someone more, someone who is not me.

Forever. Forever I will remember those feelings deep within. And always think of how this story COULD have been.

Fate. Fate I thought people could control but I was a blatant fool. And for that thought I have become destiny's favorite tool.

Forget. Forget I must, the you that was more than a friend. It's time I be a big girl now and say " Goodbye this is the end. "
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