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I'm Sorry
icon 20.09.2012 icon 10x icon 2303x
I’m sorry you missed out on this life I’ve had
I’m sorry you never gave me the chance to introduce you as my dad
I’m sorry you weren’t there to take me to the mall
Or tell me that I have to stand tall

I’m sorry you couldn’t keep your promise to chase all the boys away
I’m sorry you weren’t there to check for monsters under my bed
I’m sorry you weren’t the one who carried me on his back
Or the one who always made me laugh

That was my other dad, the one I actually had
I’m sorry that I will always refer to you as David
I’m sorry that I’m the daughter you never had
You will always be my father but not my dad

I know it wasn’t your fault, not your choice for us to go
But the spot as my dad has already been filled
Just know that I will always love you
Even after all the pain I’ve felt because of you
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