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Poems, poems for a good mood | page 21

Básničky, básně

POEMS for you and your loved ones


icon 30.08.2012 icon 10x icon 2489x
Look at me and say I'm different
Turn me inside out and say I'm nothing

Burn me with you looks
kill me with your words

Hurt me with what has made me
but remember who you were

Me and nothing more...
icon 30.08.2012 icon 7x icon 5953x
Bright like a beautiful flame
I try to state my game
For it is you I want
to everyone else I claim
I burn like fire
and cry my desire...
So what will you say
are you to be my white fire
or will you just burn up my desire.
icon 30.08.2012 icon 3x icon 2304x
I stand alone
there is no one for me
I must fight

in the shadows, there is no light
my flesh is my own

you shall not move me
I will stand, I will fight

I am here by reason
my eyes is an eagle's claw
Because I always
icon 16.08.2012 icon 12x icon 2692x
I love the way your shadow moves,
It fits the sound of every room,
No sooner spoken than broke,
It drains the light from every hue.

I want to watch the weight.
Of the sun.

You're lips move inward,
But you know the rules,
Erase all...
icon 16.08.2012 icon 13x icon 3704x
She's the diamonds in the night,
And I am the canvas of shade,
She's the snowflakes falling from the sky,
And I am the clouded gray,
As her mirrors cast their light,
I am without a face,
From the egg till stricken blind,
I am the white,
Although Shakespeare and I
Will never make it eye to eye
Neither do we share a special bond
Nor do our views really correspond

But still I am forced to remember
His tragedies which bring me pain
Where the most important member’s
Fatal fla...
icon 15.08.2012 icon 13x icon 4425x
I know it’s been long
I’ve wasted too much time
I have been wrong
But this time I am right
Won’t settle for anything less
Now I know what I want
It’ll reach my destination
Its my turn this time
‘Coz I am seeking perfection
Only god knows since...
icon 15.08.2012 icon 12x icon 4787x
Tonight I’ll stay awake
And collect my feathers
Of my wings which once were there
But now are broken

My first feather fell
When I was born to be a girl
A disgrace and an disappointment
A burden I was considered

My second feather fell
icon 15.08.2012 icon 15x icon 3352x
The cuckoo bird wakes me up
With her sweet, sweet voice
The cuckoo bird is what I hear
When I am tired of the world’s noise

The cuckoo bird stays on the tree
Day and night she works hard
The cuckoo bird stays on the tree
Her nest is ready at l...
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