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The Cuckoo Bird
icon 15.08.2012 icon 15x icon 3665x
The cuckoo bird wakes me up
With her sweet, sweet voice
The cuckoo bird is what I hear
When I am tired of the world’s noise

The cuckoo bird stays on the tree
Day and night she works hard
The cuckoo bird stays on the tree
Her nest is ready at last

The cuckoo bird, it’s your voice
That heals my breaking heart
The cuckoo bird, its your voice
Which saves me from being torn apart

The cuckoo bird, I listen to you
You’re my companion in my hour of need
The cuckoo bird, I listen to you
Can you come talk to me, please?

the cuckoo bird, come teach me flying
the world is waiting for me
the cuckoo bird, come teach me flying
come, please make me free

The cuckoo bird, I hear you no more
Where did you flew?
The cuckoo bird, I just realised
They’ve cut the tree, and they killed you
PeopleSTAR (15 rank)
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